Dee Lagoon

Region: Central · Category: Major
0.00 12/03/2025


5 fish combined with only 2 over 500mm

Min size: 300/500 mm Bag limit: 5 Method: Artificials (lures and flies) only Season: 28/9/2024 - 1/6/2025

All waters flowing into Dee Lagoon and within a radius of 50 m where the water enters the lagoon


Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
23/01/2025 8000 Rainbow Trout Fingerling 50 Triploid FF#07 - Cressy (Petuna)
View stocking history...


Dee Lagoon was created in 1955 as hydroelectric storage for the Tungatinah power development. Water from the upper Dee catchment is diverted from the lagoon via a tunnel into Bradys Lake. It is an excellent trout fishing location, with a self-sustaining population of brown trout and stocks of rainbow trout. Dee Lagoon has two distinct areas - the southern open water basin that holds good numbers of rainbow trout and the timbered northern basin that is favoured by brown trout. The lagoon is surrounded by tall eucalypt forest and while the best fishing is from a boat, you can also catch trout here by spinning or fly-fishing from the shore.

Getting There

There are a number of ways to get to Dee Lagoon but by travelling the Lyell Highway (A10) to Bronte Lagoon and taking the turn-off to Osterley is the most reliable. This road will take you through to the Victoria Valley Road (C173) which skirts Dee Lagoon as you head south.

Recreational Fish Management

Dee Lagoon is managed by the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS). Natural recruitment of brown trout and periodic stocking of rainbow trout maintains the quality of the angling. Dee Lagoon is recognised as a rainbow trout fishery.

Angling Notes

Dee Lagoon is renowned for its mass hatches of midge and huge gum beetle falls. Wind-lane feeding rainbow trout can be targeted in the southern basin on relatively calm frosty mornings, but a boat is essential. Brown trout can also be found feeding on midge in the northern basin although they are often just out of reach of the shore angler. During the warmer weather (December to April) prolific beetle falls occur and both brown and rainbow trout can be found rising freely. The best areas are The Neck, Hill 24, Station Bay and Brownie Bay. Trolling lures and spin fishing from the shore are also popular methods that account for good numbers of fish. All waters flowing into Dee Lagoon and for a radius of 50m below where that water flows into Dee Lagoon are closed to fishing at all times.

Protect Waters

Recreational anglers have a responsibility to look after fisheries resources for the benefit of the environment and future generations. Do not bring live or dead fish, fish products, animals or aquatic plants into Tasmania. Do not bring any used fishing gear or any other freshwater recreational equipment that may be damp, wet or contain water into Tasmania. Check, clean and dry your fishing equipment before entering Tasmania. Do not transfer any freshwater fish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates or plants between inland waters. Check your boat, trailer, waders and fishing gear for weed and other pests that should not be transferred before moving between waters. Do not use willow (which is a plant pest) as a rod support as it has the ability to propagate from a strike.

Pest Fish Management

Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) and tench (Tinca tinca) have populations in Dee Lagoon. If either of these species are caught, anglers are asked to humanely kill the captured fish and dispose of appropriately. It is an offence to use fish or fish products for bait or to transfer fish between waters.

Recreational Use

Informal lakeshore camping is permitted at Dee Lagoon. No facilities are provided. Campers should bring a chemical or portable toilet.


Two launching areas are available at Brownie Bay and Spillway Bay on the south western shore, which are accessible from the Victoria Valley Rd. Observe the areas prohibited for navigation in the Lake Echo Power Station tailrace and the waters bounded by the Dee Tunnel Inlet. Practice minimal impact boating by accelerating gently in shallow water to avoid the underwater wash from the propeller jet stirring up silt and mud. This sediment clouds the water, disturbs sensitive weed beds, smothers aquatic plants and degrades fish habitat.


Check your wash - if it's white it's all right - if it's brown slow down. Fishing from a boat within 100 metres of an angler fishing from the shore is prohibited unless the boat is securely moored. Do not park on or obstruct boat ramps.