Going Fishing
The fishing possibilities around Tasmania are almost endless. Nearly all rivers and lakes hold trout.
With so many possibilities, how do you know where to start?
And once you have decided where to start, what should you check before you go?
And what should you know?
We’ve put together some information to help you answer all those questions.
Fishing Near Me is about helping you answer that first question – where to fish. Let our Anglers Access Program, the Infish App, fishery performances, where’s been stocked or what’s accessible help you make up your mind.
Things to Know, You need a current angling licence to fish at any inland water in Tasmania. You can buy one online through this website. There are other rules too; you should know the rules for the water where you are going to fish.
Things to Check is some of things you should check before you set off, like lake levels, the weather and safety.
Then, the most important thing is having a great time trout fishing in Tasmania.