Infish App 2.0
Take a fishing holiday at home with everything in your pocket.
The new improved Infish App 2.0 makes it easier to find fishing locations, angling notes and the latest stocking information.
You can also see water levels and the weather forecast around your favourite waters. The latest news and angler access maps are also available.
- Where to fish
- How to get there
- Latest fish stocking.
- Fishing news.
- Latest weather.
- A link to buy your inland angling licence.
- Anglers Access Program maps.
- The Tasmanian Inland Fishing Code
It’s free on iOS and Android.
If you've found a bug, have a question or a suggestion, get in touch via: the developer's help page.
Improve your catch, and help manage YOUR fishery
The Angler Diary is part of the Infish App 2.0.
Once you log in your fishing information is there for you anytime.
- The time and place you fished and methods used.
- The size and number of fish caught.
- Photos of your fish.
- The weather conditions.
- Trends and patterns to improve your catch.