yingina / Great Lake

Region: Central · Category: Major
14.01 12/03/2025


Yingina / Great Lake - Tods Corner

Brown trout min. size 300, Rainbow trout min. size 400 with max of 3 rainbow trout

Min size: 300/400 mm Bag limit: 12 Method: Artificials (lures and flies) only Season: All Year

Yingina / Great Lake - Canal Bay

Brown trout min. size 300, Rainbow trout min. size 400 with max of 3 rainbow trout

Min size: 300/400 mm Bag limit: 12 Method: Artificials (lures and flies) only Season: 30/11/2024 - 30/3/2025

Yingina / Great Lake - Excluding Canal Bay & Tods Corner

Brown trout min. size 300, Rainbow trout min. size 400 with max of 3 rainbow trout

Min size: 300/400 mm Bag limit: 12 Method: All methods (bait, lures and flies) Season: All Year

All waters flowing into Yingina / Great Lake and for a radius of 50 m below where that water flows into Yingina / Great Lake


Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
26/12/2012 300000 Rainbow Trout Fry 1 Diploid Inland Fisheries - New Norfolk Hatchery
View stocking history...


yingina/Great Lake is located on the Central Plateau of Tasmania, 1,034 meters above sea level. It was one of Australia's largest natural freshwater lake systems prior to its initial damming in 1916. In 1922 the Miena multiple arch dam was built across the outlet to increase storage. In 1967 a sloping core rock fill dam was built down stream. Then in 1982, the rock fill dam was raised 6 metres and a levee was built across a saddle on the storage rim. When full, the lake has the capacity to cover 17,610 hectares and hold 3,178 million cubic metres of water.

Recreational Fish Management

The Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) manages yingina/Great Lake as a Premium Wild Trout Fishery. The primary focus of the IFS is to enhance the rainbow trout population. Brown trout populations are maintained through natural recruitment. Management goals are supported by specific size and bag limits and a reduced angling season at Canal Bay to protect spawning fish.

Angling Notes

All angling methods are permitted except for Tods Corner and Canal Bay, which are reserved for artificial lures only. Brown trout were first released in 1870 and in the following forty years, some of the best trout fishing in the world was experienced here. The fishery has gone through several cycles of high productivity. In the period 1920-1940, rainbow trout dominated angler's catches with forty rainbow trout caught for every brown trout. Today the fishery is dominated by brown trout of 0.75-1.5kgs while rainbow trout represent approximately 10 percent of an angler's catch.
Shore based anglers have many options from which to choose. Set-rod bait fishing is practised along most shores and is often very productive. Best baits are mudeyes, crickets and worms. It is an offence to use any fish or fish products as bait. For the fly angler, polaroiding the shoreline on a sunny day provides good returns. The trick is to cover plenty of water and eventually you will find fish. Beetle falls and hatches of various aquatic insects during late December to February provide good dry fly fishing. The best spots are generally on the leeward side of the large points and bays around the lake particularly the Tods Corner area. Trolling on Great Lake is very popular with deep diving lures, down rigging or lead core line used to get lures down into the strike zone just above the weed beds. One of the best spots for this type of fishing is the south-western region of the lake, in particular Swan Bay. For the fly angler with a boat, wind lane fishing on a relatively still morning is a highlight. Polaroiding from the deck of a boat can also provide some very productive outings even when the wind is blowing hard.
All waters flowing into Great Lake and for a radius of 50 m below where that water flows into Great Lake are closed to fishing at all times.

Protect Waters

Recreational anglers have a responsibility to look after fisheries resources for the benefit of the environment and future generations. Do not bring live or dead fish, fish products, animals or aquatic plants into Tasmania. Do not bring any used fishing gear or any other freshwater recreational equipment that may be damp, wet or contain water into Tasmania. Check, clean and dry your fishing equipment before entering Tasmania. Do not transfer any freshwater fish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates or plants between inland waters. Check your boat, trailer, waders and fishing gear for weed and other pests that should not be transferred before moving between waters. Do not use willow (which is a plant pest) as a rod support as it has the ability to propagate from a strike. Do not drive vehicles over exposed weed beds.

Sustainable Management

yingina/Great Lake is an example for balancing the protection of biodiversity of freshwater lake ecosystems, providing for recreational needs, whilst ensuring the economic and social imperative of reliable power supply. Managed by Hydro Tasmania for hydro generation purposes, with its fishery managed by the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS), the lake is a unique ecosystem in Tasmania. You are encouraged to enjoy and protect its beauty.

Hydro Generation

The yingina/Great Lake catchment is supplemented by diversions from the Ouse RIver in the west and from Arthur's Lake in the east. Augusta Dam stores the headwaters of the Ouse River; the outflow is picked up a few kilometres down the river and conveyed to the lake via the Liawenee Canal. Water from the lake flows through a 5.7km long headrace tunnel situated beneath the Great Western TIers, down a 2.7km long penstock and a 110m deep vertical shaft into an underground power station at Poatina.
Poatina is Tasmania's secong largest power station comprising five 51.6MW and one 54.5MW turbines operating under a head of 835 metres and produces approximately 12% of Hydro Tasmania's hydro generation capacity.

Native Fish Management

Four species of native fish are present in the lake, including the Great Lake paragalaxias and Shannon paragalaxias, both listed under State and Commonwealth legislation as threatened species.The other two species, the spotted and clombing galaxias are common and widespread within the State.

Water Level Management

Numerous activities are undertaken to manage water levels at yingina/Great Lake. The optimum operating level set down by Hydro Tasmania, rainfall conditions permitting, is between 30% and 60% of Full Supply Level (FSL). This is designed to accommodate the needs of hydro power generation, recreational use, irrigation releases and ecological sustainability. Water quality and the Charophyte weed beds are regularly monitored to assess any changes in condition. A low lake level boat ramp and assessment of emerged obstacles ensures continued recreational use and safe boating. Key stakeholders maintain regular communication on all aspects of yingina/Great Lake facilitating effective management of this important resource.

Lake Levels

Information on current lake level for yingina/Great Lake is available from www.hydro.com.au/water/lake-levels

Environ Cultural

Great Lake is recognised for its conservation value with many endemic species of animals and fish found only in Great Lake and its surrounding tributaries. The lake itself supports a number of threatened endemic native fish and aquatic invertebrate species, including the nationally listed Great Lake and Shannon paragalaxiid fish species (Paragalaxias eleotroides and P.dissimilis), five species of isopod (more commonly known as 'shrimp' or 'scud'), and the prehistoric Great Lake shrimp (Paranaspides lacustris). The Great Lake ecosystem therefore is of significant conservation value and the protection of native habitat, especially the native Charophyte weed beds, is integral to preserving this status


Please remove all rubbish and do not litter. There is a public toilet at Miena. Anglers are encouraged to bring portable toilets or be sure to walk at least 100 metres from the water, dig a 15 centimetre hole and bury waste including the toilet paper.

Recreational Use

Camping and caravanning is only to be conducted at the formal camping ground at Miena. Other camp sites are available at Jonah Bay and Pump House Bay (Arthurs Lake) and Penstock and Little Pine Lagoons. Fire management regulations and warnings need to be observed at all times. No fires are permitted on the foreshore of Great Lake


There are concrete boat ramps located at Swan Bay, Cramps Bay, Brandum Bay and Tods Corner and a gravel ramp is located at Haddens Bay. These ramps are operational between Full Supply Level (FSL) and approximately 17 metres below FSL. A gravel low lake level launching area is located at Boundary Bay on the western shore south of Liawenee. Great Lake is exposed to extreme changes in weather and can become very rough. Hazardous conditions can occur at any time of the year with little warning. During periods of low water Great Lake may be extremely shallow and many submerged navigation hazards.
Observe the areas prohibited for navigation at Miena Dam, Tods Corner power station and Poatina Intake.
Please practice minimal impact boating by accelerating gently in shallow water to avoid the underwater wash from the propeller stirring up silt and mud. This sediment clouds the water, disturbs sensitive weed beds, smothers aquatic plants and degrades fish habitat.


Check your wash - if it's white it's all right - if it's brown slow down. Fishing from a boat within 100 metres of an angler fishing from the shore is prohibited unless the boat is securely moored. Do not park on or obstruct boat ramps.