Brown Trout Season Ends

The majority of inland waters, which are based on the brown trout season, are now closed to fishing from today Monday 30 April until they reopen in the 2012-13 season on Saturday 4 August.
However, the season’s fishing is not over with Lakes Mackintosh and Rosebery, and all rainbow trout waters remaining open until 3 June and a number of good fishing waters remain open all year.
The rainbow waters include Dee Lagoon, Lake Rowallan, Lake Skinner, Lake Meston, Lake Youd, Junction Lake, Lagoon of Islands, Mersey River above Lake Rowallan, a section of the River Leven upstream of Loongana Road Bridge, and the Weld River in the North (upstream of grid reference E575769 N5443349) and the Weld River in the South (upstream of grid reference E479455 N5234171).
The waters kept open for fishing all year round are the River Tamar downstream of the South Esk and North Esk road bridges, River Derwent below Bridgewater Bridge, River Leven below Allison Bridge at Golf Club Rd, and Huon River below Huonville Bridge, as well as the still fisheries of Meadowbank Lake, Huntsman Lake, Lake Pedder, Lake Burbury, Lake Barrington, Great Lake (excluding Canal Bay), Craigbourne Dam and Brushy Lagoon. Of these, Craigbourne Dam, Brushy Lagoon and Hunstman Lake are open from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.