Corporate Clean Up Australia Day 2012

Staff from Inland Fisheries Service participated in the Clean Up Australia (CUA) business clean up day on Tuesday 26 February.
The Central Highlands Council opened the waste transfer station at Hamilton to receive the rubbish.
Areas targeted for the clean up effort were popular fishing locations including Lake Binney, Tungatinah Lagoon, Arthurs Lake, Cluny Lagoon, Lake Repulse, Meadowbank Lake, Wayatinah Lagoon and Lake Catagunyah.
Staff concentrated their efforts on boat ramps and recognised camping areas. The cleanliness at popular campsites was generally good however there were still isolated examples of poor behaviour at campsites with drink containers dominating the items collected.
Inappropriate disposal of toilet waste is an ongoing issue but encouragingly many campers are now using portable toilets. This was evident at many of the campsites visited during the clean up.
Approximately 30 bags totalling 600kg of waste was collected and removed.
IFS would like to encourage all anglers to get involved in CUA day on Sunday 4 March and clean up their favourite fishing spot.