Water Level Changes at Bronte Lagoon

Hydro Tasmania is undertaking repair and maintenance work on the Bronte Canal. This work is best achieved if Bronte Lagoon is drawn down to below the canal weir crest height (664.3m) to limit water washing over the weir due to wave action in Bronte Lagoon. The weir is located at the downsteam end of the canal at the bridge over the Lyell Highway.
To allow work in the canal, Bronte Lagoon will be lowered to 664.1m, which is 0.4m lower than the preferred angling minimum water level. The planned duration of the drawdown of the lagoon is from 6 February to 9 March 2012.
The IFS and MAST will be taking advantage of the lower levels to repair and extend some boat ramps in the area. The IFS plans to relocate fish from Bronte Canal to Bradys Lake before work takes place inside the canal.
Questions should be directed to the Hydro Tasmania Project Manager, Andrew Rumsby on 1300 360 441.