Maintenance work at Arthurs Lake pump to have limited impact on Pumphouse Bay boat ramp

Early in the new year Transend will be undertaking work at the Arthurs Lake pump that will require barriers to prevent contamination of the site. The barriers will encroach on the boat launching and carpark area. Whilst this should not prohibit boat launching there may be some inconvenience and delays. Anglers should plan to launch at either Jonah Bay or Dam Wall ramps as an alternative.
The outage works will commence on the 14th January 2013 and it planned that the total works will be completed by 20th June 2013. During this time the following periods are when the greatest impingement to the ramp access / car-parking;
- 14th January 2013 to 22nd February 2013 – barrier will be in place while the oil containment system is installed. During this time there will be heavy vehicles working / delivering materials within this area, this may cause some inconvenience delays for accessing the ramp or parking, but shouldn’t stop access to either,
- 19th April 2013 to 3rd March 2013 – during this period the new power transformer will be delivered to site. During this installation of the transformer there will be large cranes (up to 160T) and low-loaders possibly utilising this car-park area. Again this may cause some inconvenience delays for accessing the ramp or parking, but shouldn’t stop access to either.