Access improved at Rostrevor Lagoon
Visitors to the East Coast will be familiar with a large lagoon on the Eastern side of the Tasman Highway on the northern outskirts of Triabunna.
With the cooperation of the landowners, Ian and Marcus Weeding, the IFS has installed signs and stiles identifying access points and parking for anglers and providing foot access around the perimeter of the lagoon.
It is important to note that the owners require a phone call prior to accessing the lagoon. Contact numbers are:
6257 3233 / 0407 871 967 /0427 573 233 . As mobile phone coverage at the lagoon is limited it is suggested that permission is sought prior to arrival.
Parking is along the side of the Tasman Highway. Please do not enter the property in vehicles or park over gates.
Whilst IFS staff were on site installing the infrastructure they undertook some ‘market research’ and fished the lagoon late one afternoon and early the next morning. Brown trout to 1kg readily accepted wet flies and bibbed lures particularly around the weedbeds. The lagoon has also been stocked with rainbow trout. Foot access is provided right around the lagoon. Wading the northern and eastern shores is recommended or lure casting from the levee and dam wall on the western and southern shores.
As with all coastal lagoons trout are susceptible to worm infestation. Fish should be thoroughly cooked prior to consumption.