August 2013 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Carp Team pull up stumps at Lake Cresent.
Aug. 26, 2013

Carp Team pull up stumps at Lake Crescent

When a lone female carp was captured in an aggregation with a number of “Judas” transmitter fish in December 2007 the Carp Management team knew that they may have been on a winner. Despite extensive effort over the past six years no carp have been captured and no recruitment observed in the lake confirming that...

The barrier net installed during April this year has been stopping fish exiting the lake down the spillway.
Aug. 26, 2013

Barrier net saves fish leaving Four Springs Lake

The new installation of barrier net on the Four Springs Lake spillway was inspected by IFS staff during the week. Four Springs Lake is at maximum capacity and has a large flow going down the spillway.The net was found to be working effectively with no fish found downstream of it.The net is a barrier net...

A young angler is excited at catching a great sized Atlantic salmon.
Aug. 26, 2013

Salmon provide action in the south

Anglers are enjoying good catches of Atlantic salmon after the recent stocking of 1,800 salmon on 20 August. With recent poor weather in the highlands the Inland Fisheries Service has stocked this lowland water to provide a family fishery close to southern population centres. The fish were kindly donated by SALTAS and average 1.5 kg....

The eroded walkway to the Four Springs Lake main jetty has been repaired.
Aug. 22, 2013

Four Springs Lake jetty access repaired

Damage to jetty walkway repaired. IFS staff have repaired holes eroded in the walkway to the Four Springs Lake jetty. High water and wave action had eroded parts of the path. The hole resulting from the erosion has been filled with aggregate and concrete.

Tim Browning of the IFS releasing one of the 1,800 salmon stocked into Craigbourne Dam, 20 August 2013.
Aug. 21, 2013

Craigbourne Dam gets another salmon stocking

Yesterday (20 August 2013) Craigbourne Dam was stocked with Atlantic salmon kindly donated by SALTAS from their hatchery at Wayatinah. A total of 1,800 salmon were stocked and had an average weight of 1.5 kg. The weights ranged from 500 grams to 3 kg. Anglers need to remember this is a shared resource with no...