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Backpack electrofisher training course for IFS staff

IFS' Rob Cordwell demonstrating electrofishing techniques

Inland fisheries staff attended an internal training session on the efficient and safe use of backpack electrofishers. The course was run by the Senior Carp Technical Officer and the Senior Fisheries Management Officer, and consisted of a theory and practical session at the New Norfolk headquarters and the Plenty Salmon ponds, respectively. IFS staff were refreshed on all the safety precautions which need to be taken when operating the equipment, as well as the most efficient way of sampling to minimise the amount of stress to fish. The backpack electrofishers are an integral sampling tool in fisheries management, and are used in a range of scenarios, from sampling streams and rivers for native and pest fish surveys, to investigating carp sightings in dams, as well as scaring schools of carp into gill nets on Lake Sorell.

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