Adult brown trout transfers completed for 2013

The last of the brown trout have migrated up the Liawenee Canal at Great Lake spelling an end to this season's brown trout spawning run. These last fish were transferred to Brady’s Lake to complete the season's stocking allocation of 5,000 adult brown trout for that fishery and 600 were released into Tooms Lake. Last week saw the spawning runs at Mountain Creek, Lake Sorell and Hydro Creek, Arthurs Lake weighed and measured as part of the annual monitoring program. The fish in those runs were transferred to Craigbourne Dam and Lake Dulverton respectively. The runs at these two locations have been limited due to the lack of rainfall in their catchments. This completes what has been a busy period of moving fish for the IFS. The receiving waters will now have a good boost for the start of the season with this year's transfers consisting of mostly young, fit and fat brown trout. The older, poorer conditioned fish that comprised part of the past two seasons spawning runs have gone and younger, well conditioned smaller fish now appear to be dominating the highland spawning runs.