Rainbow trout waters open midnight tonight

Whilst the majority of rivers and lake opened on 3 August 2013 for the 2013/2014 angling season, there are a few that remain closed until the Saturday 28 September 2013. These waters are known as rainbow trout waters and close 1 June 2014.
These waters are; Junction Lake, Lake Meston, Lake Youd, Dee Lagoon, Lake Rowallan, Lake Skinner, the Weld rivers (both North and South), parts of the River Leven and the Mersey River above Lake Rowallan.
Please check the 2013/2014 Tasmanian Inland Fishing Code that you should have as part of your licence purchase for regulations regarding these waters as some are restricted to artificial methods only and others are discrete sections of rivers. This code is also available from this website.