June 2014 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Carp Management Program presents work to the Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club
During the third week of June 2014, Chris Wisniewski, Section Manager from IFS, attended the general meeting of the Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club to inform the group on the status of carp in Lake Sorell. The presentation was well received, with many of the club members having fished Lake Sorell before the arrival of carp....

Navigation hazard marked at Bradys Lake
IFS staff recently installed a marker buoy on a navigation hazard at Bradys Lake. The tree stump is partially or completely obscured at medium to high lake levels and represented a significant hazard due to its proximity in a line between the boat ramp and the Whitewater. Staff took advantage of a low lake level...

The Carp Management Program prepares for the upcoming season
With the onset of winter, the carp management team has diverted their efforts toward the planning and preparation of gear and equipment for the upcoming season in spring. So far 450 m of gill net has been repaired, with another 1000 m to go, as well as dozens of fyke nets which require checking and...

New parking area constructed for anglers on the Mersey River
Anglers Alliance Tasmania and IFS have jointly funded the construction of a parking area on the western side of the Mersey River at Latrobe as part of the Mersey River Anglers Access project. Previously anglers had to park on the narrow verge on the busy B19 (Frogmore Lane) to access the western side of the...

Pumphouse Bay (Arthurs Lake) navigation light installed
As part of the Hydro Tasmania and MAST jointly funded navigation lights project a light has been installed on the Hydro Tasmania pump house at Arthurs Lake. The light has been installed on the eastern extremity of the pump house structure and is visible from all angles across the majority of the Blue Lake side...