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River electrofishing survey 2014

IFS' Paul Middleton electrofishing a stretch of river as part of the 2014 survey.

During 2013, the IFS investigated the status of brown trout populations from a selection of the state's rivers. A report on that survey is available on this website. As part of ongoing monitoring of the status of these populations, the survey was replicated during the last week of February and first week of March this year. All rivers that were surveyed last year were repeated with the addition of three rivers.

The Mersey, Meander, Tyenna, Gawler, Dasher, Rubicon, Minnow, Leven, Coal, Clyde, Russell, Nile, St Patricks rivers and Forth Falls and Seven Time creeks were all surveyed. Conditions for the survey were very good for electrofishing with low flows ensuring that good efficiency of capture.

Initial indications are that the numbers of fish had improved from last year's survey and that size classes absent last year due to cormorant predation were now present.

A report on the survey will be available on this website in the next month.

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