Lifejacket Awareness Day - Friday 27 February 2015

MAST is holding a lifejacket awareness day next Friday 27 February 2015 at 12.00 at the public pontoon in Sullivans Cove, Elizabeth Street Pier, outside T42 and Fish Frenzy.
To meet the Australian Standard, lifejackets are tested in swimming pools with people wearing bathers. What really happens when people end up in the water unexpectedly wearing their normal boating or working gear? We will find out on Friday 27th.
Some of the businesses around the waterfront have donated spot prizes for the event and we thank them for that.
Mures Tasmania – T42 – Fish Frenzy (always room for more!)
This will be a public event and there are still some spots available for those that would like to participate by going in the water, so if you are interested email with contact details.
Leon Compton from the ABC will be going in the water with his fishing gear on, Hook Line and Sinker will be there filming the event and we are hoping for a really big response to this important safety display.