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Pedder galaxias' populations are thriving

A Pedder galaxias caught during the June 2015 survey.

The annual survey was recently conducted on Pedder galaxias (Galaxias pedderensis) numbers at one of two translocation sites.

Although originally found in Lake Pedder, population numbers were seen to crash, and by 1980 they became very rare and thought to be almost extinct. The small remaining numbers of fish were translocated to two particular sites which were trout-free and their numbers were monitored regularly.

The site surveyed this week (June 2015) revealed the galaxias were thriving, with over 100 fish caught in one night using 16 fyke nets. Fish caught were of varying sizes and represented multiple age classes. The fish were measured and released.

The recovery of the Pedder galaxias has been nothing short of astounding, although they are still regarded as critically endangered, the future of these fish is looking good.

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