The 2014/2015 angling season closed at brown trout waters 3 May 2015
The majority of inland waters closed to fishing at midnight 3 May 2015 for the current angling season. This is the end of the 2014/2015 trout season at the majority of Tasmanian waters.
This does not mean all waters are closed to fishing as a number of waters are managed to close midnight 31 May 2015, these are: Dee Lagoon, Lake Skinner, Weld rivers (sections of the North and South rivers of that name), Lake Rowallan, the Mersey River (above Lake Rowallan), section of the River Leven (upstream of Loongana Bridge Road), Lake Mackintosh, Lake Rosebery, Lake Meston, Junction Lake and Lake Youd.
The following waters remain open all year: Great Lake (except Canal Bay), Craigbourne Dam, Brushy Lagoon, Lake Barrington, Lake Burbury, Lake King William, Huntsman Lake, Lake Pedder, River Tamar (downstream of South Esk and North Esk road bridges), River Derwent (downstream of Bridgewater Bridge), River Leven (downstream of Allison Bridge at Golf Club Road) and Huon River (downstream of Huonville Bridge).
Brown trout managed waters reopen 1 August 2015.