Getting rid of the bad guys from Lake Sorell

Eradicating the last of the carp in Lake Sorell is a key IFS focus over the next three years.
The whole carp eradication effort has certainly been a learning process with many highs and lows. In 2009 after 14 years of hard work we were finally successful in clearing Lake Crescent of carp but it was also the same year where an unfortunate spawning event occurred in Lake Sorell. As a result the carp population which had been reduced to less than 50 grew to an estimated 50 000.
Seeing the success and enjoyment that anglers are experiencing landing monster trout at Lake Crescent spurs IFS on to complete the eradication at Lake Sorell so that it too can be reopened to anglers.
Like all eradication attempts catching the remaining carp in Lake Sorell will take a big effort. Since 2010 we have smashed the carp population as a result of increased Tasmanian and Australian Government funding and are relieved that our efforts can continue thanks to an additional $1.37million from both governments over the next two years.
Targeting these final carp will become a needle in a haystack search but the IFS team are committed to do what it takes to be successful. Tasmania is now acknowledged as being at the forefront of carp management in Australia and we know that if our efforts go to plan that carp can be eradicated from Tasmania by the end of the 2017-18 financial year.
As the Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt said when announcing the recent funding “Carp are the bikie gangs of the rivers and we are going to run them out of town!”
The latest carp update is available on the IFS website.