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Work experience with Inland Fisheries

Jess and Maria dissecting a carp and recording information

Recently, University graduates, Jessica Webb and Maria Carrasco, spent a couple weeks on work experience with us.

Jess completed a Bachelor of Science in marine science and wildlife conservation at Murdoch University, Western Australia. Maria Carrasco has a degree in biological sciences from the Ricardo Palma University, Peru. Both girls are now studying honours degrees (the next step) at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) here in Tasmania.

They chose to work with us because they wanted practical knowledge on different parts of fisheries management. Driving boats, collecting different species of fish, handling fish, data collection, and general field work.

Jess and Maria spent most of their time working in Carp Management Program section of IFS. This is a great section as the work the students do in is very diverse. They were involved in tracking tagged transmitter carp, setting gill nets/fyke nets/traps, and the collection of biological information from any carp caught. They also helped out on the mark and recapture tagging study which we’re doing around the Arthurs Lake fish trap.

As well as all of this, they learnt about the spawning behaviour of brown trout, how to tag correctly and how to strip fish for their eggs. Many of the skills the girls learnt apply to marine (sea) fisheries as well as freshwater.

Any students interested in coming to do some work experience with us can give us call on 1300 INFISH or email

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