June 2016 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

June 6, 2016

Trevallyn catchment release – Hydro Tasmania update

Due to heavy rain in the Trevallyn catchment over the past 48 hours Hydro Tasmania is forecasting Lake Trevallyn to go on spill in the next 12 hours. In preparation for this Hydro Tasmania will be releasing 12 cubic metres per second down Cataract Gorge as a pre-emptive spill to warn the general public that...

June 6, 2016

Seek and destroy carp

Winter is here and despite cool conditions that are not helpful to carp fishing, the IFS team is looking for opportunities to get the remaining 3% of carp out of Lake Sorell. Low water temperatures can encourage carp to gather in deep water and these groups can be found by using carp fitted with radio-transmitters...

June 4, 2016

Investing to support boaters and anglers at yingina/Great Lake

A new boat launching ramp has been developed to help recreational boaters and anglers enter yingina/Great Lake at lower water levels. Hydro Tasmania and the Inland Fisheries Service have developed the new launching ramp at Boundary Bay, at a shared cost of $15,000. The new ramp is about 300 metres east of the existing Boundary...

June 1, 2016

Trout transfers

Recent solid rains have sparked the brown trout spawning migration in the Highlands and trout management is in full swing at yingina/Great Lake providing an opportunity to stock waters where recruitment of juvenile fish is limited, but angling is high. To date the fish trap at Liawenee has produced approximately 5,600 fish and the one...