Lake Echo worth a visit

Recent windy weather has had anglers looking for options that offer shelter and clear water. The prevailing winds have been westerly and south westerly. Many shallow lakes and lagoons are stirred up by strong wind. This dirty water can result in less fish. And another thing to think about lately, when choosing where to fish, has been stable water level.
A trip to Lake Echo last weekend was an excellent option for a party of anglers keen to catch a fish.
They launched at the Large Bay boat ramp at the north western end of the lake. The winds were forecast as westerly at 20kmh but they fished the relatively sheltered waters of Large Bay, Broken Bay and Teal Bay. They fished with some success using a variety of small hard body and bibbed minnow lures of rainbow trout and redfin perch colours. One fish was also taken on a gum beetle dry fly pattern.
Over the course of the day they bagged seven beautifully conditioned brown trout in the 400mm – 420 mm range and two nice size redfin that were also kept for the table.
They had many other fish follow lures right to the boat or miss on the strike. Due to the excellent water clarity the fish could easily be seen chasing or following the lures. Most fish were taken off rocky shores by drifting along and casting into the drowned timber or steep drop offs.