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Latest Lake Sorell carp report

Latest carp report


This quarterly report looks at January to March 2017.

During this period we removed 135 carp from Lake Sorell. This is compared to 248 carp between January and March 2016. We expected less because there are less carp left in the lake.

Most of the fish were caught using gill nets in deep water as the carp spent most of the time away from the shore. We also removed a lot of the gill nets from the marshes behind the barrier nets as the spawning season was over. These nets were put back out in the lake.

In mid-March we were able to find the first and only aggregation for the season, with the help of our transmitter fish. This fish led us to a school of fish feeding in shallow water which we were able to block off with gill nets. We also used backpack electrofishing to scare the fish

into the gill nets. Juvenile carp surveys in Lake Sorell, Lake Crescent, and the Clyde River were also done, with no carp found.

For more information, more of the science, view the full report at the link below:
Carp Management Program quarterly report for January to March 2017

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