Inland Fisheries Advisory Council appointment opportunities
Applications are invited from persons interested in appointment to the Inland Fisheries Advisory Council. The Council is established under Section 20A of the Act and is the peak advisory body for matters relating to inland fisheries.
In broad terms, the role of the Council is to provide strategic advice to the Minister on freshwater fisheries management and fisheries policy.
In appointing members of the Council, consideration will be given to a balance of representation from people with skills or experience in angling; conservation of freshwater ecosystems; tourism relating to inland fisheries; or freshwater commercial fisheries; together with a skills in either governance, finance, law, ecology, science, engineering, marketing or business management.
Women are encouraged to apply. The Tasmanian Government is committed to a target of 50% representation of women across Tasmanian Government boards and committees by July 2020. For more information go to
Four positions will be appointed. One with a background or representation of freshwater angling associations, one with a background or representation of freshwater commercial fisheries, one representative for North West Tasmania and one Ministerial appointments.
A sitting fee is paid together with a vehicle kilometre allowance.
Appointments will be made for terms up to four (4) years.
Current members are eligible to reapply.
CLOSING DATE 5.00pm 17 November 2017
Please send your applications and resume marked “Private and Confidential” to:
Tony Wright, Manager Finance & Business, Inland Fisheries Service, PO Box 575, New Norfolk 7140 or email to
Further information: Tony Wright on 03 61653807 or
Jeremy Rockliff MP
Minister for Primary Industries and Water