October 2017 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

The front cover of the Inland Fisheries Service Annual Report 2016-17
Oct. 24, 2017

Inland Fisheries Service Annual Report 2016-17

For a wrap up of all things IFS last financial year, see the IFS Annual Report 2016-17. Tabled in parliament last week, the IFS Annual Report 2016-17 is now available on our website.

Typical rainbow trout that have been stocked this week.
Oct. 19, 2017

Rainbow stocking

This week we stocked three important fisheries with large Rainbow trout averaging 5kg. The waters stocked are Craigbourne Dam, Brushy Lagoon and Lake Kara. Each water received 300 fish each and will provide excellent fishing and will compliment many of our other popular fisheries that are performing very well. Special thanks go to Huon Aquaculture...

Western Lakes trout. Photo by Steven Ooi
Oct. 18, 2017

Gate to Nineteen Lagoons Now Open

The Parks and Wildlife Service advise that the gate into the Nineteen Lagoons has now been opened.

1/C Constable Dan Midson conducted breath tests during the patrol to ensure responsible boating behavior at Woods Lake on the weekend
Oct. 16, 2017

Woods Lake compliance activities

Last weekend Inland Fisheries and Tasmania Police teamed up and conducted boat safety checks at Woods Lake in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. Whilst boat safety checks of equipment and PFD use are regular patrols conducted by IFS, on this occasion boat operators were also breath tested due to disturbing reports of some people’s behavior...

Training officers in valuing our freshwater environment
Oct. 13, 2017

Training to protect our waterways

Recently, Rob Freeman of the Inland Fisheries Service presented to a group of Forest Practices Officers (FPO’s) as part of their requirement to develop and maintain the necessary skills to assess ecological values relating to forestry operations. Over the week the FPO’s received training on fauna, flora and legislative requirements. As part of this training...