The Easter fishing wrap up

The Easter Long weekend saw fantastic trout fishing around the State. Although the weather was not great at times, the fish were biting!
Our Officers patrolled waters far and wide, from Lake Burbury to the South Esk River.
Recent rainfalls lifted river levels in the north and northwest. This improved the fishing. All methods of angling have been successful and fish are in excellent condition.
Four Springs Lake is fishing very well, despite a bit of algae in the water. Calm conditions brought good numbers of rising trout. Anglers using mudeyes for bait took good bags of exceptional fish.
Good catches were noted from Woods Lake. Cobra lures seemed to be the most successful but anglers found it necessary to check lures regularly to clear weed. Fly anglers did well on wet flies, particularly around the southern shore of the lake.
yingina/Great Lake also fished well. Trolling anglers took well-conditioned brown and rainbow trout, particularly around Boundary Bay and Swan Bay.
Large numbers of anglers fished Penstock Lagoon. Wet and dry flies worked well. All fish inspected by our Officers were in outstanding condition.
The Bradys chain of lakes was quiet. Bronte Lagoon fished well and there were tailing fish at Little Pine Lagoon.
Our Officers inspected 200 angling licences and 40 boats. We issued six infringement notices for offences under Marine and Safety Tasmania legislation, including the failure to wear PFD’s and failure of boat operators to carry minimum safety equipment. Our Officers had to order one boat off the water at Woods Lake. With the recent tragedy at Ansons Bay in the North East of the state, we implore all boating anglers to comply with boating safety regulations.
The 2017-18 angling season is now winding down and brown trout are getting ready to spawn. Fish have already started to arrive in the Liawenee Canal. The quality of the fishing during the last few weeks of the season is generally very good, so why not plan at least one more trip to cap off the season!