The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

The 2018 brown trout spawning migration is in full swing

IFS staff member, Brett Mawbey, loading fish for transfer

The brown trout spawning migration is well underway at Liawenee Canal, yingina/Great Lake.  With this begins the annual adult transfers to other waters around the State.

Sometimes natural recruitment cannot sustain a wild population. We assist these fisheries with fish stocking using wild fish whenever possible.

Yingina/Great Lake has many spawning creeks and lots of fry return naturally to the lake.

We have transferred about 6 000 fish into the public fishery so far:

  • Lake Crescent – 2 000,
  • Tooms Lake – 1 000,
  • Four Springs Lake 1 150,
  • Penstock Lagoon 900, and
  • Bradys Lake 1 314.

This early run is welcome. Once the rains come and there are good flows in the streams, we anticipate a lot more fish will migrate.

The fish are in excellent condition and average 1 kg, with the largest around 1.5 and 1.8 kg.

A small number of the transfers have some from the Derwent River (Lake King William) where the run has also started.

The transfers will continue over the coming months to fisheries all over the state. This is in preparation for the brown trout opening in early August 2018.

Keep an eye out for further stocking updates and the IFS website.

The brown trout waters are now closed but there are waters open all year. For more information on open waters, rules and regulations, visit or download the Tasmanian Inland Fishing Code.

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