The Brown Trout Fishing Season Opens in ! Get Your Licence

Winter work - preparing for the coming trout season

Weighing and measuring brown trout at the River Derwent fish trap, Lake King William

We are lucky here in Tasmania that we have an abundance of wild brown trout. Over the winter months, Inland Fisheries Service officers have been actively trapping the adult brown trout spawning runs on the Central Plateau. This enables the collection of valuable data that allows a long-term look at fish stocks in each lake. We can then make an assessment, which allows us to manage lakes individually and based on the current situation. It also allows the transfer of fish from waters with lots of fish to waters where there is little or no natural spawning. This maintains a healthy population of fish to catch at popular waters.

To check and see where the fish have been moved to read here. You can also check out how we do it by looking at this video.

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