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Carp Management Program Quarterly Report for January to March 2019

An image of the front cover of the Carp Management Program Quarterly Report for January to March 2019.
Carp Management Program Quarterly Report for January to March 2019 front cover

We removed six carp from Lake Sorell since January even though we fished as hard as ever. This shows how small the remaining population of carp in the lake must be.

Gill nets were set over much of the lake. We continued to target structures and habitat where carp like to live.

The ratio of jelly gonad condition (JGC) carp to healthy males has been close to 1:1. This means one affected carp for one healthy male in the population.

The juvenile carp surveys conducted did not find any juvenile carp, which means there has been no spawning this season.

To find out more about the progress of the Carp Management Program, read the Quarterly Report for January to March 2019.

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