Talk trout Tasmania

Inland Fisheries Service - Talk trout Tasmania:
- Topic: Improvements and maintenance to anglers access infrastructure, facilities and new water bodies
Title: “Access for all”
Abstract: The Inland Fisheries Service is committed to maintaining and improving access to lakes and rivers for anglers of all ages and abilities.
- Topic: Compliance creel surveys as a way of collecting fisheries data; pros and cons and ways anglers can assist
Title: “What’s the catch?”
Abstract: Creel surveys are a convenient way of collecting fishery data whilst having a positive compliance interaction with anglers.
Advantages are negating poor angler recall, immediate validation of anglers catch, targeted data collection and timely collection of fisheries information.
Disadvantages are bias towards sedentary anglers, minimal temporal coverage, minimal spatial coverage and being a resource heavy method of collection in comparison to other survey methodologies.
As a multipurpose tool i.e. data collection while conducting compliance patrols it has enough utility to be a worthwhile exercise. However caution must be given to the collected data. This data is most useful when used in conjunction with other survey data (e.g. phone, postal or user collected data).
By collecting the right information catch per unit effort measures can be made and angler habits can be ascertained. It is a good way to assess what is the successful way to catch a fish at a particular fishery at a particular time.
- Topic: Lake Sorell
Title: - “The fall and rise of Lake Sorell”
Abstract: Previously deemed absent from Tasmania, European carp (Cyprinus carpio) were first discovered in Lakes Crescent and Sorell in January 1995. As a result, the Carp Management Program (CMP) was established to contain, control, and ultimately eradicate carp from the lakes. Through the development of various techniques over 12 years (1995-2007), a complete eradication of carp from Lake Crescent was achieved using an integrated approach. By using these strategies in Lake Sorell, it is estimated there are now less than 20 fish remaining, with over 99% of the original population removed.
The CMP is at a critical stage which could soon see the complete eradication of carp from Tasmania, as well as the reopening of the lake to the public in the New Year. Before being closed due to carp Lake Sorell regularly ranked in the top three waters in Tasmania for angling participation.
- Topic: Bradys Chain of lakes
Title: “How many fish in that there lake”
Abstract:The catch of trout from the Bradys chain has been a concern for anglers over the past decade. To address this issue, the IFS has undertaken high levels of stocking, initially using brown trout fry and more recently, adult brown trout. To assess the contribution these adult fish have made to the fishery, we undertook a large scale fishery assessment to: 1) estimate the size of the brown trout population 2) examine recruitment of young fish within the system 3) establish the length structure of the population, and 4) examine the general movement of fish. The results of this survey are presented along with an assessment of anglers’ catches and fishing behaviour overtime.
Followed by Questions from the floor