Huon and Esperance Rivers Inland Fishing Regulations

The news of the escaped Atlantic Salmon from a pen in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel has stirred up much interest in the recreational fishing fraternity in the last few days.
Anglers are reminded that a seaward limit separating State waters from inland waters exist on both the Huon and Esperance Rivers:
Huon River:
An imaginary straight line drawn between a white post situated on the shore of the southern side of Castle Forbes Bay and another white post situated to the eastward of that post on the opposite bank of the Huon River.
Esperance River:
An imaginary straight line running south-west to north-east across that river extending along the western shoreline of Chale Bay, the southern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 498500/5202400 and the northern boundary of that river's seaward limit at grid reference 498600/5202700.
Fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the landward side of these seaward limits have different regulations to State waters, including:
- an Inland Fisheries Angling Licence is required and can be purchased on our website, Service Tasmania shops or an authorised licence agent / tackle shop;
- netting is restricted to a landing net used to land a fish that is controlled with a rod and line;
- a daily bag limit of 5 fish;
- a minimum size of 220 mm;
- open to all fishing methods (bait, artificial lure and fly).
Please also note when travelling by boat launched above the seaward limit, that fish at or on the bank of inland waters are deemed to have been taken from inland waters, therefore the above regulations will apply.
For more information on common seaward limits, visit our website or in the Tasmanian Inland Fishing Code, the Tasmanian Legislation website, Email us – or ring us – 1300 INFISH (1300 463 474).