October 2020 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Liawenee Rainbow Trout Spawning Run 2020
The rainbow trout spawning run has just finished at Liawenee. This year, 920 adult rainbow trout were caught in the fish trap. Rainbow trout in yingina/Great Lake are less abundant than brown trout and the populations are monitored by how many fish are capture in the trap at spawning time. A typical brown trout spawning...

Carp Management Program Annual Report 2019-20
After a quarter of a century, Tasmania is on the cusp of finally being free of European carp. Estimates leading into spring 2020 indicate that there are less than 5 carp remaining in Lake Sorell, and to date there have been 41 496 removed from the lake. Find out all about the 2019-20 season and how...

Nineteen Lagoons gate opened today
Parks and Wildlife advise that they opened the Nineteen Lagoons gate to the Western Lakes at Lake Augusta this morning. The Double Lagoon boat ramp, Lake Kay, Talinah and Pillans-Julian tracks are still closed.

12-year-old angler claims $10k Tagged Trout
A 12-year-old girl from Selbourne in northern Tasmania has won $10k as part of Inland Fisheries Service’s (IFS) Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion, during the 2020-21 angling season. Member of Westbury Angling Club and Tagged Trout Promotion recipient, Fiona Batterham caught the tagged trout at Lake Rowallan at 11:15am on Sunday 18 October, which also marked...

Temporary closure of Lake Sorell to finish off carp
After 25 years Tasmania is on the cusp of being carp free. It is estimated that there are now less than 5 carp remaining in Lake Sorell. In order to continue intensive fishing effort to remove and eradicate any remaining carp, a temporary closure of Lake Sorell is required. This closure will occur from Monday...