Parks and Wildlife campfire restrictions

Restrictions on campfires, pot fires and other solid fuel stoves will come in to place from 02:00 Saturday 18 December at identified Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) campgrounds around the State to help reduce the risk of bushfires. These restrictions are important to help protect visitors and the community.
Despite the recent rain, there is still considerable fire risk along the north east, the east coast and the south east of Tasmania with no significant forecasted rain in the Bureau of Meteorology extended outlook. Spring pasture growth is significant in a number of areas and as the grass cures the areas assessed as currently having normal fire potential is likely to change. In these conditions, campfires can easily escape, spread rapidly are difficult to control and threaten people in campgrounds and nearby communities.
The seasonal campfire restrictions apply to national parks and reserves in the following areas:
- Flinders and Maria Islands,
- Dorset, Break O’Day, Glamorgan/Spring Bay, Sorell and Tasman municipalities,
- Narawntapu National Park,
- Snaky Creek and Tooms Lake Conservation Areas. (refer to map attached).
- Further areas may be added if the fire risk in those areas escalates during early summer.
Gas stoves and gas barbecues will be permitted.
Restrictions have also been imposed on the use of pot fires as sparks, embers and disposal of ash from pot fires can also provide an ignition source.
Last year there were 113 reports of unattended or illegal campfires on PWS managed land with 34 fire offences recorded.
To communicate the restrictions to the public, the PWS will place Public Notices in the three main newspapers on Wednesday 15 December and Saturday 18 December, along with posts on social media and our PWS internet site; signage will also be installed at each fire restriction location.
The PWS wants to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camping experience and appreciates assistance from visitors and the community in complying with fire restrictions.
Go to the PWS Alerts web pages for details and updates: Alerts | Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania