St Patricks River video to lure anglers

Tourism Tasmania has developed a marketing campaign to build awareness of Tasmania as a world-class fly fishing destination among fly fishing enthusiasts.
The campaign is based around the insight that fly fishing enthusiasts feel like a local in Tasmania, wherever they’re from. It invites fly fishers to experience the best the state has to offer by sharing local knowledge of the top fly fishing spots and techniques. The campaign creative includes video content showcasing fly fishing locations and experiences. This video is part of suite of video content produced by FlyLife.
Video description:
The St Patricks river flows north-east of Launceston, Tasmania, from its source in the mountains above Diddleum Plains. It bubbles through temperate rainforest before transitioning into willow-lined meadow gliding past towns like Nunamara, before joining the North Esk River lower down.
We join Peter Broomhall, an experienced fly fishing guide based in Tasmania’s north, who regularly takes clients on the St Pats, or Patties as he calls it, gaining insight into this delightful Tasmanian river through a local’s eyes.
Full length film: