January 2021 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Illegal gill net kills trout at Four Springs Lake
On Monday 25th January an angler found a gill net set in Four Springs Lake. He immediately reported it to IFS officers. Officers responded quickly and removed the net. It was found to contain 6 trout. Thankfully the net had not captured any platypus. We thank the angler that quickly passing the information on. If...

Whitebait poacher gets big fine
On Friday 22nd January 2021 David George McDERMOTT appeared in Devonport Magistrates Court on 34 charges relating to the illegal taking of whitebait. Mr McDERMOTT pleaded guilty and was convicted on all charges. He was fined $13260. The charges related to the taking of whitebait from the Mersey River in October 2019. The Mersey River...

Australia Day long weekend compliance patrols
The Australia Day Long weekend saw many anglers take advantage of the idyllic weather and go trout fishing. Over the weekend Officers from Inland Fisheries, Tasmania Police and Marine and Safety Tasmania patrolled waters state wide. Overall 274 recreational angling inspections were completed. 121 recreational boating inspections were also conducted. Under Inland Fisheries rules three...

Nominations for the Tasmanian Angling Hall of Fame
Anglers Alliance Tasmania is pleased to invite nominations for the Tasmanian Angling Hall of Fame. Nominations are to be submitted in accordance with the Hall of Fame induction guidelines and selection criteria which are listed on the AAT website at www.anglersalliance.org.au Nominations need to be received by the Mon 15 March 2021 and should be forwarded...

Wild rainbows to Little Blue
Yesterday, we stocked Little Blue Lagoon with wild rainbow trout fry from Liawenee Canal. All of the fish travelled very well and seemed to enjoy their new home. Lying within the Nineteen Lagoons area of the Western Lakes this is a fishery that relies upon stocking by the IFS. This is the only exclusively rainbow...