August 2022 Inland Fisheries Service News Archive

Tony bags $2000 tagged trout from Bronte in Bradys!
When Tony Purkiss wandered into the Inland Fisheries Service Head Office at New Norfolk he thought he was doing a good service by reporting a tagged trout that he had caught in Bradys Lake that morning. He was aware that two trout had been released into Bronte Lagoon, upstream of Bradys Lake, as part of...

More rewards from the mine hole
On Monday 29 August, Scottsdale resident, Darryl Saunders' wife told him to go fishing. Darryl didn't need to be told twice, despite the threat of rain, it was a perfect fishing day in NE Tasmania. Darryl drove to Derby and wheeled his Hobie kayak, on a home made trolly using wheel chair wheels, along the gravel track into...

Opportunity for anglers with a disability
Taswater generously allow anglers with a disability to fish from the two purpose built platforms at Risdon Brook Reservoir. The Reservoir is reserved for anglers eligible disabilities for the purpose of the Transport Access Scheme. Adjacent parking and level access to this picturesque and sheltered water make it the ideal location. Current high water levels provide perfect...

Become a Willow Warrior - Tyenna Working Bee 27/08/22
The Willow Warriors will be back out on the Tyenna River on Saturday 27th August 2022 at the Raspberry Farm, Westerway. Work will involve follow up on previously treated willows and planting maintenance. Meet at the raspberry shed at 09.30 am. Bring gumboots and raincoats, as usual the Derwent Catchment Project will supply all the...

Oatlands the place to be on the weekend August 13-14
Old meets new in the historic township of Oatlands with the annual Heritage and Bullock Festival weekend on Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14. Trades from a bygone era, crafts and bullock trains down the main street will mix with the brand new $14 million Callington Mill Whisky distillery, making it a visit sure...