The $2 000 tagged trout that almost got away!

Chris Fitzpatrick was camped at Tungatinah Lagoon for a couple nights with his family. It was a warm night for the highlands so he drifted in his boat in the area near the dam wall with his daughter Rebecca and her friend Lydia. They were casting and slowly retrieving surface lures.
Around 11pm Chris hooked and landed a nice brown trout. He was preparing to release the fish when young Lydia noticed the fish had an orange tag. She read the tag and could see that it had WINNER on it. Rebecca used the limited phone reception to search Google to see what it meant. They worked out that they had a $2 000 trout from the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion but waited until the morning to confirm by contacting IFS.
This is the third winning tagged fish that had been released in Bronte Lagoon only to be caught downstream in the Bradys Chain of Lakes.
Check out where you can catch a winning fish in the Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion