Good fishing reported on the weekend

Inland Fisheries Officers were on duty over the weekend in the Central Highlands, with many people from southern Tasmania taking advantage of the long weekend and good weather.
Good fishing was reported from a number of waters:
- Great Lake continues to produce good fish, with anglers trolling first thing in the morning reporting catches. Elizabeth, Little Lake and Tods Corner were hot spots. Fly anglers were happy to see lots of fish rising early to midges, and then were able to polaroid fish in the waves in sunny conditions. rainbow trout accounted for over 50% of the fish. A reminder to anglers that the bag limit for rainbow trout in Great Lake is 3 fish, with a minimum size of 400mm.
- Anglers fishing in Arthurs Lake were well rewarded, with soft plastics cast amongst the drowned timber being the most successful method. Trolling anglers at Jonah Bay also caught fish.
- Woods Lake fished well, with all methods of angling successful. Lure anglers were pleased not to have the same problems with weed that they have encountered during summer in previous years.
- Anglers fishing in the competition held at Wayatinah Lagoon reported good catches at first and last light, with the fishing tougher during the middle of the day.
Infringement notices were issued for 12 offences over the weekend, under both fisheries and boating safety legislation.