Fishing Report - Recreation Day Long Weekend

Inland Fisheries Officers were on patrol over Northern Recreation Day long weekend. Weather conditions were ideal, with light winds and a mix of sunny and overcast conditions throughout the weekend.
The fish were biting, with the following waters standing out:
yingina/Great Lake – All angling methods were productive. Trollers using cobra lures on both surface and lead lines did well all around the lake. Red, green, and yellow were the best colours. Anglers camped on the shore between Canal Bay Point and Boundary Bay caught good fish on worms, particularly around dusk. Fly anglers caught fish on wet flies, particularly concentrating on rocky drop offs.
Woods Lake – The algae has settled for the moment and trollers caught good numbers of fish. Black and gold cobras were productive. Fly anglers using wet flies around the southwestern corner of the lake also did well.
Arthurs Lake – Fly anglers using wet flies did well, however anglers trolling and drift spinning found the fishing to be a bit quiet.
Brady’s Chain of Lakes – Plenty of rainbow trout are being caught, with all methods productive. Hot spots were Tungatinah Lagoon and the mouth of the Whitewater area at Brady’s Lake.
Four Springs – Fly anglers are reporting large dun hatches at the moment. Lure and bait anglers are finding the fishing a bit tougher with the weed in the lake starting to impede their fishing.
Tyenna River – Water levels are currently very good as has the fishing around the National Park / Maydena .
Penstock – There were plenty of duns starting to hatch, but the fish aren’t yet eating them. This should change over the next few weeks.
Western lakes – Lure anglers reported good fishing using wobbler style lures during overcast conditions. Fly anglers during the sunny conditions polaroided plenty of fish, with small wet flies successful.
Lake Meadowbank – Browns and rainbows were caught on worms throughout the weekend, and trolling with hard body lures was successful.
Pine Tier Lagoon – Bait fishing and trolling produced good results, particularly around the northern part of the lake.
Compliance with fisheries and boating safety legislation was pleasing. A small number of infringement notices and cautions were issued.