Redfin perch in the Jordan River – baseline biological research

Sarah Burnes, a 3rd year University of Tasmania Research Project student, and Drs Peter Coulson (IMAS Senior Technical Officer) and Alyssa Marshell (IMAS Research Fellow) are working with Jonah Yick from the Tasmanian Inland Fisheries Service to better understand the life cycle of the invasive Redfin perch in the Jordan River.
Redfin perch (Perca fluviatilis) are a highly invasive species, which were first introduced to Tasmania in the 1860s. They are established in many water ways around the State which include rivers, lakes, and numerous dams. Due to their aggressive nature, and ability to reproduce rapidly and overpopulate water bodies, they pose a threat to our native fish and trout. Previous research by Dr Jaime McAllister (IMAS Research Fellow) during his Honours research in 2007, demonstrated that female Redfin perch grow to a much larger size than males and although they can reach ages of 14 years, the majority of the population is less than 6 years old.
Research from around the world demonstrates that Redfin perch are highly adaptable, and that their biology from geographically close regions can vary dramatically. This new study, which will utilise samples collected by IFS staff from August 2023 to July 2024, will provide information on the spawning time and duration. In addition, the age and length composition and growth trends for the Jordan River population will provide the IFS with the necessary information for managing any potential new incursions of this species.
While Redfin perch are known to occur in some regions in Tasmania, they are not in all waterways. For this reason, it is important to report any catches or sightings of Redfin perch if you’re not aware that they are established in that particular location. Please take clear photos of it, or if it is dead already, collect the carcass and store in a freezer. Please take note of the location where it was found, as well as the date, and contact the IFS promptly on 1300 INFISH or