Inland Fisheries Service presents at national fish biology conference

Senior Fisheries Manager Jonah Yick recently presented at the 2024 Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) conference “Fish Frontiers” which was held from the 18 – 21 November 2024 in Newcastle, NSW.
Delegates from universities and consulting companies, fisheries managers, scientists/researchers, students, and government representatives around Australia attended the conference to meet, network, and share knowledge on the latest fish related projects they are undertaking.
Over 280 delegates attended the conference, which consisted of both oral and poster presentations.
Jonah was the successful recipient of the ASFB experienced fisheries manager travel bursary funded by the ASFB and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC). He was also required to act as a mentor towards the early career fisheries manager travel bursary recipient. While at the conference he was re-nominated as the ASFB Tasmanian State Representative and took the position of co-chair for the ASFB Alien Fishes Committee.
Jonah's presentation was on a recent redfin perch investigation on King Island in collaboration with Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers, titled “A new invasion: redfin perch on a remote island”.
The full report for this investigation can be found here:
A copy of the full conference program can be found here: