Inland Fisheries Service News

Flyer from Hydro Tasmania
Sept. 12, 2019

Hydro Tasmania - King and Yolande Sustainability Review

Why are reviews important? We regularly conduct sustainability reviews of the catchments we use for generating hydropower. This year our focus is on the King and Yolande catchments. Our study aims to increase our knowledge of the lakes and waterways as well as the reasons that people value them. The feedback you provide, together with...

Lagoons in the Waterhouse area are producing some great fish.
Sept. 6, 2019

The first month of the trout season

The first month of the brown trout season has started very well with excellent fishing reports coming from around the state. In the south, the River Derwent is producing some lovely resident and sea run trout after a high water event in late August. Lure anglers seem to be making the most of this estuary...

A brown trout from the recent survey at Curries River Reservoir
Sept. 6, 2019

Curries River Reservoir Fisheries Performance Assessment

The IFS recently undertook an in-lake survey at Curries River Reservoir in the states north east. The reservoir is located just off the B82 between George Town and Bridport and was built in the late 1970’s as a domestic water supply for Georgetown. The IFS have been stocking the reservoir since the 1980’s and it...

New Norfolk High School students discuss career opportunities with IFS staff
Sept. 5, 2019

IFS attends New Norfolk High School Careers Day

Jonah Yick from the Inland Fisheries Service attended the New Norfolk High School Careers Day to assist grade 9 and 10 students with planning their career and job prospects. There were many students interested work at Inland Fisheries, and the educational pathways taken to access this field. Hopefully the information gained from this day will...

Grading the Four Springs Lake Road
Sept. 5, 2019

Four Springs Lake road maintenance

Maintenance was completed today on the Four Springs Lake access road. The Inland Fisheries Service maintains the road annually to provide improved access for anglers over the busy spring period. Contractors have repaired potholes, added road base material and graded the road from the turnoff to the carpark. The lake is still full and fishing...