Inland Fisheries Service News

Before and after shots of the area treated by manually slashing at Four Springs Lake. Anglers Alliance Tasmania executive member John Broomby admiring the work.
Before and after shots of the area treated by manual slashing. AAT executive member John Broomby admiring the work.
Jan. 10, 2019

Cumbungi control trial at Four Springs Lake update January 2019

On Tuesday 8 January 2019, we went with Anglers Alliance Tasmania to Four Springs Lake to see the results of the cumbungi control done in January 2018. We surveyed the eight sites sprayed last year. At two of the sites, eradication was 100% successful. The remaining six sites have small areas of regrowth. These have...

Tullah West Coast Tasmania Lake Mackintosh
Mount Farrell, Lake Mackintosh, West Coast Tasmania - H Parsey
Jan. 8, 2019

Photo Competition 2018-19

We want your best Tasmanian trout fishing photos. Entries for the Tasmanian Trout Fishing Photography Competition 2018-19 will be accepted up until 5pm on Tuesday 30 April 2019. In particular we are looking for photos of families, kids, female anglers, scenery shots and of course trout. There are cash and gear prizes on offer - 1st...

World Fly Fishing Championship 2019 Trout fish Tasmania
World Fly Fishing Championship 1988 brochure
Jan. 7, 2019

The year of the World Fly Fishing Championship

This year, on behalf of Australia, Tasmania will host the 39th World Fly Fishing Championship. From 2 to 6 December competitors from up to 30 countries will experience fishing for Tasmania's wild brown trout. After years of planning, the excitement is building. This will be the second time Tasmania has hosted the championship. In 1988,...

A brown trout caught in the Cowpaddock at Arthurs Lake
Jan. 2, 2019

Trout fishing heats up!

The Christmas and New Year period saw anglers flocking to the central highlands to enjoy some fantastic fishing. Overall the weather was good providing lots of fishing opportunities. Our Officers were on patrol throughout the period, and they saw some fantastic catches. Overall 317 anglers were checked, along with 109 vessels. The standout waters were...

Merry Christmas
Dec. 24, 2018

IFS Office - Christmas closure

The Inland Fisheries Service head office will be closed from Christmas day, opening again on Wednesday 2 January. We will have officers out and about over the festive season so say hello if you meet up. Angling licences can still be purchased on our website, at Service Tas and selected tackle stores If you see...