Inland Fisheries Service News

One of the $10,000 tagged trout waiting to be caught
Aug. 13, 2020

Never been a better time to go trout fishing

Stay safe, support local businesses, buy a licence and catch a trout! The Inland Fisheries Service is running a major promotion to encourage trout fishing in regional areas during the 2020-21 angling season, which started on 1 August 2020. Five brown trout were tagged and released into lakes around Tasmania. One each into Arthurs Lake,...

Sarah Chiffey enjoying the opening of the trout season at Bradys Lake
Aug. 3, 2020

Opening of the trout season

After a long break from trout fishing for some of us and all the recent disruption to our lives, one Tasmanian tradition continued this weekend with the opening of the 2020-21 brown trout fishing season. Anglers were out in force around the state making the most of idyllic winter weather to head back to their...

Atlantic salmon released into Lake Kara for start of the season will provide some action for local anglers.
July 31, 2020

Atlantic salmon released into Lake Kara for start of season

The new trout season begins tomorrow. To support angling opportunities in regional areas we have stocked 100 Atlantic salmon into Lake Kara. At an average weight of over 1.5kg, they will test the skills of any angler. Remember the bag limit in Lake Kara is 5 fish total, of which only 2 may measure longer...

Scene from Lake Leake webcam
July 31, 2020

Lake Leake webcam launched

Ready for the new fishing season Anglers Alliance Tasmania have just installed a new webcam at Lake Leake camera. The installation was undertaken by Malcolm Crosse and his team. This camera adds to the Anglers Alliance webcam network which allows viewers to look at the lake conditions around the state. Anglers Alliance Tasmania do a...

Adipose fin clipped brown trout at Four Springs Lake
July 31, 2020

Four Springs Lake trout survey

In May this year we clipped the adipose fin of 2,000 adult brown trout from the spawning run at yingina / Great Lake and transferred them to Four Springs Lake.  The fins were clipped in preparation for a fisheries performance assessment, using box traps, that was done on between 21-24 July.  The fin clips allow...