Inland Fisheries Service News

Community involvement river restoration work
June 17, 2020

Focus on waterway health

A campaign to accelerate the recreational fishing community involvement in fish habitat restoration was launched today by OzFish Unlimited. Through a series of powerful images, the online campaign flips the cliched bragging right photo of an angler and their catch with the waterways in focus instead of the fish. Click here for more information.

Tagged brown trout before relase in to Bradys Lake
June 16, 2020

Anglers’ Report - Tagged fish from the Bradys Chain of Lakes

In May – June 2019 3,500 adult brown trout were caught in the fish trap on the River Derwent at Lake King William. They were tagged with a numbered green tag, and released directly into Bradys Lake.  During the 2019-20 season, a total of 95 of these trout were reported to the IFS as being...

Rainbow trout stocking
June 15, 2020

Risdon Brook Reservoir - fishing opportunity for anglers with a disability

Anglers with a disability will be pleased to know that Taswater and IFS have coordinated the restocking of Risdon Brook Reservoir. The reservoir is reserved for anglers with a disability with fishing only permitted from two purpose-built platforms. Last stocked in 2015, stocking was not possible in 2019 due to low water levels required for...

Winter on Burbury - the opening shot to the promotional video for Lake Burbury. An aerial shot approaching the lake.
Winter on Burbury - the opening shot from the video
June 4, 2020

Winter fishing opportunities

We have all been feeling the pressure of being locked up and not able to get out and cast a line.  With restrictions lifting from 3pm on Friday 5 June, and the upcoming long weekend, there many winter freshwater fishing opportunities. To inspire you to try somewhere a little different we have produced this short video: Winter...

A photo looking over Lake Mackintosh
Lake Mackintosh
June 1, 2020

Some inland waters reach the end of their 2019-20 season

Yesterday saw many inland waters come to the end of their 2019-20 season. Waters managed for rainbow trout closed: Dee Lagoon Junction Lake Lake Meston Lake Rowallan Lake Skinner Lake Youd Mersey River above Lake Rowallan River Leven upstream of Loongana Road Weld rivers (both North and South) It was the end of the first...