Stocking database

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Date Water Number Species Weight (g) Type Stocked from
22/10/2012 Lake Waverley 300 Rainbow Trout 100 Diploid University of Tasmania
22/10/2012 Lake Waverley 300 Brook Trout 70 Diploid University of Tasmania
22/10/2012 Lake Waverley 10 Brown Trout 1000 Triploid University of Tasmania
22/10/2012 Lake Waverley 15 Tiger Trout 1500 Triploid University of Tasmania
22/10/2012 Lake Waverley 20 Brook Trout 1500 Diploid University of Tasmania
07/09/2012 Lake Waverley 95 Atlantic Salmon 1000 Diploid FF#07 - Cressy (Petuna)
31/08/2012 Lake Waverley 250 Brook Trout 250 Diploid FF#07 - Cressy (Petuna)
22/06/2012 Lake Waverley 500 Rainbow Trout 40 Diploid University of Tasmania
22/06/2012 Lake Waverley 260 Brook Trout 1300 Diploid University of Tasmania
23/09/2011 Lake Waverley 40 Tiger Trout 200 Diploid University of Tasmania