Lake Barrington

Region: Northwest · Category: Major
0.54 12/03/2025


5 fish combined with only 2 over 500mm

Min size: 300/500 mm Bag limit: 5 Method: All methods (bait, lures and flies) Season: All Year

Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
03/07/2017 150 Atlantic Salmon Adult 6000 Diploid FF#79 - New Norfolk (Huon Aquaculture Group)
View stocking history...


Picturesque Lake Barrington was created in 1969 by building the 84m high Devils Gate Dam on the Forth River for hydro-electric power production. The lake is 20km long and is close to the township of Sheffield. The lake is subject to regular water level fluctuations but is the major recreational lake in the northwest region. Lake Barrington caters for all aquatic water sports including a world class rowing course and water skiing. Lake Barrington is protected as a Nature Conservation Area. Excellent boat launching facilities are easily accessible.

Getting There

Lake Barrington lies approximately 40km south of Devonport. Take the B14 to Sheffield or Barrington then the C143 where the eastern side of the lake can be accessed from the C140 or C141. The western side can be accessed by the C132 and C135 via Lower Wilmot or Wilmot.

Recreational Fish Management

Lake Barrington is open to angling all year round.
Anglers should be aware that Lake Barrington has an international rowing course and that structures associated with the course need to be avoided and it is an offence to tamper with this infrastructure.

Angling Notes

Lake Barrington contains a large population of brown trout, rainbow trout and native blackfish. Lake Barrington is regulated as an impoundment where all legal forms of freshwater angling are permitted and is open for fishing all year. Most trout range in weight from 200 grams to 1 kilogram but it is not uncommon to catch larger specimens. Bait fishing is a very popular method but is only possible at a few areas of shore due to the steep terrain. Trolling is the most popular and productive method of fishing at Lake Barrington.

Protect Waters

Recreational anglers have a responsibility to look after fisheries resources for the benefit of the environment and future generations. Do not bring live or dead fish, fish products, animals or aquatic plants into Tasmania. Do not bring any used fishing gear or any other freshwater recreational equipment that may be damp, wet or contain water into Tasmania. Check, clean and dry your fishing equipment before entering Tasmania. Do not transfer any freshwater fish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates or plants between inland waters. Check your boat, trailer, waders and fishing gear for weed and other pests that should not be transferred before moving between waters. Do not use willow (which is a plant pest) as a rod support as it has the ability to propagate from a strike.

Native Fish Management

The river blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) are present in the lake. There is a minimum size limit of 220 mm and bag limit of 12 fish per day for this species. The State and Commonwealth protected giant freshwater lobster (Astacopsis gouldi) is present within the lake. This slow growing species can reach weights in excess of 5 kg but are commonly much smaller. They are wholly protected and if observed are not to be disturbed.

Pest Fish Management

Anglers can help reduce the spread of pests in Tasmanian waterways by not transferring fish between waters. Offences may incur significant penalties.

Recreational Use

A camp ground is located at Kentish Park and toilets, barbeques and picnic areas are at Weeks Reach (the rowing course) and Kentish Park.


There are three launching areas can be found at Lake Barrington, at Kentish Park and Weeks Reach on the eastern side of the lake and on the western side, off Lake Barrington Rd. Boat anglers are reminded to take care at all times and observe the areas prohibited for navigation between the signs signs and Devils Gate Dam and in the waters of Lake Barrington within 2000 metres of the Cethana Dam. Please observe the 5-knot speed within the signs on the rowing course and respect the ski zones. Practice minimal impact boating by accelerating gently in shallow water to avoid the underwater wash from the propeller jet stirring up silt and mud. This sediment clouds the water, disturbs sensitive weed beds, smothers aquatic plants and degrades fish habitat.


Check your wash - if it's white it's all right - if it's brown slow down. Fishing from a boat within 100 metres of an angler fishing from the shore is prohibited unless the boat is securely moored. Do not park on or obstruct boat ramps.