River Ouse

Region: Central · Category: Minor



The River Ouse rises at the Julian Lakes in the TWWHA and enters the River Derwent upstream of Meadowbank Lake.

Getting There

The River Ouse can be accessed from Lake Augusta Road, the B11 Marlborough Road, the C177 at Waddamana and the A10 Lyell Highway at Ouse.

Angling Notes

The upper section of the river is within the TWWHA. Only artificial lures and fly fishing is permitted within the TWWHA. Outside of the TWWHA bait fishing is permitted. Much of the river can be waded from the main access points and is suitable for lure casting with light gear and fly fishing. Bait fishing (outside of the TWWHA) with worms early in the season and with grasshoppers during summer can be productive.

Protect Waters

Recreational anglers have a responsibility to look after fisheries resources for the benefit of the environment and future generations.
Do not bring live or dead fish, fish products, animals or aquatic plants into Tasmania.
Do not bring any used fishing gear or any other freshwater recreational equipment that may be damp, wet or contain water into Tasmania. Check clean and dry your fishing equipment before entering Tasmania.
Do not transfer any freshwater fish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates or plants between inland waters.
Check your boat, trailer, waders and fishing gear for weed and other pests that should not be transferred before moving between waters.
Do not use willow (which is a plant pest) as a rod suport as it has the ability to propergate from a strike.