Lake Rosebery Re-opening

Oil Collection Boom - Lake Rosebery

Hydro Tasmania have advised that Lake Rosebery has now been re-opened to the public. 

Following the oil spill reported on 13 January this year, works have been ongoing to clean up the lake. Teams from multiple agencies including the Environmental Protection Authority, Marine and Safety Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania and Inland Fisheries Service have all played a part in the response.

The Department of Health have advised that trout caught from the lake are safe to eat, however it is recommended that eels are not eaten until further testing has been completed over the coming months.

There are still some oil collecting booms deployed in various locations around the lake. The public is asked to stay away from these booms, and their current locations can be found on the Hydro Tasmania Lake Rosebery Hub website. This website also contains further information about this spill and provides answers to many of the frequently asked questions.

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