South Riana Lake

Region: Northwest · Category: Minor
2.68 12/03/2025


South Riana Dam

5 fish combined with only 2 over 500mm

Min size: 300/500 mm Bag limit: 5 Method: All methods (bait, lures and flies). From 1 hour before sunrise to 3 hrs after sunset Season: 3/8/2024 - 27/4/2025

Latest stocking

Date Number Species Age Weight (g) Type Stocked from
06/06/2024 297 Brown Trout Adult 487 Diploid Hydro Creek, Arthurs Lake
View stocking history...


Completed in 2015, South Riana Lake is storage for the Dial Blythe Irrigation Scheme operated by Tasmanian Irrigation. We ask that you help us maintain the site and access by following the access rules and code of conduct.

Getting There

South Riana Lake is 20 km southwest of Penguin via the B17 and C115 South Riana Road. The only public access is from a car park at the southern end of the dam.

Recreational Fish Management

South Riana Lake flooded two existing farm dams that contained trout. The IFS regularly stocks the dam with wild brown trout fry to supplement limited natural recruitment.

Angling Notes

Bait, lure and fly-fishing are all successfully practised at South Riana Lake. Try set rod bait fishing with worms and grubs early in the season and use mudeyes and grasshoppers under a bubble float during the warmer months. Lure casting around the deeper eastern and northeastern shores is recommended. Fly-fishing on dusk with mud eye patterns will produce fish and daytime spinner hatches are becoming more reliable. A canoe or kayak is a useful way to access the northern and western shores of the dam.

Protect Waters

Recreational anglers have a responsibility to look after fisheries resources for the benefit of the environment and future generations.

Do not bring live or dead fish, fish products, animals or aquatic plants into Tasmania.

Do not bring any used fishing gear or any other freshwater recreational equipment that may be damp, wet or contain water into Tasmania. Check, clean and dry your fishing equipment before entering Tasmania.

Do not transfer any freshwater fish, frogs, tadpoles, invertebrates or plants between inland waters.

Check your boat, trailer, waders and fishing gear for weed and other pests that should not be transferred before moving between waters.

Do not use willow (which is a plant pest) as a rod support as it has the ability to propagate from a strike.

Pest Fish Management

Anglers can help reduce the spread of pests in Tasmanian waterways. It is an offence to use fish or fish products for bait or to transfer fish between waters. Significant penalties apply.


The Dam wall and spillway are prohibited areas


No motorised boating, (including electric motors). Canoes and kayaks permitted.